Saturday 25 August 2012

La Rose Jacqueminot

Story behind Coty"s ‘La Rose Jacqueminot’
The year was 1904. The place was the Grands Magasins de Louver, a major Parisian department store. Coty had come to show his latest creation, La Rose Jacqueminot. None of his previous creations had found a market. But instead of being enthusiastic, the store's buyer was showing Coty the door — without allowing Coty to even open the bottle!
At this point Co
ty — by design or in anger — smashed his sample bottle on a counter or on the floor. Immediately the aroma of La Rose Jacqueminot filled the air ... and brought women swarming to Coty's side, asking the name of this wonderful fragrance ... and where they could buy it. (It has been suggested that Coty paid them for this enactment.)
One version of this story claims that the bottle smashed was Coty's last bottle. Another version claims that he sold his remaining sample bottles on the spot. In any event, that evening Coty received an order for twelve bottles of La Rose Jacqueminot. Within weeks, stores 
were demanding La Rose Jacqueminot. Coty's business was launched and in a matter of months he had made his first million.

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